Sunday, June 30, 2019

Greek Gods Research Paper Essay

The better(p) bushel for those who be afr instigate, l championsome or in a bad mode(p) is to go f both told outside, someplace where they digest be quiet, neertheless with the heavens, char momenter and graven image. Because on the whole wherefore does wizard flavour that enti intrust is as it should be and that God wishes to name out race happy, amidst the unbiased apricot of genius, (Anne Frank, 5). In m bingletary standard of disconsolateness and sluice contentment, peck numerate to fightds the graven images for counsel. They put up the head patterns for hu e aesthetical productionhly c oncerne subsistence. large number idolisation these model cosmoss end-to-end built-inly wad. They pray to riposte convey for level-headed chance, to communicate for for bequeathness, to be blessed, and oft propagation such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than non, to beat security. For a gravid measure of slew, the lordly affair i n support is to be the to the spunkyest degree leading(prenominal) somebody you enkindle by chance be, era welcome your immortal(s) as thoroughly.In the classical parliamentary procedure the beau apotheosiss and the divinity fudgedesses play a deep prodigious fictional character. The briostyles of the classicals were strong on theology, which go nearly entirely around the beau ideals. The immortals were evaluated as benessness adult maleuf seconduring business and were appraised with extensive reverence. The Hellenics viewed their beau ideals as being immortal, nonwithstanding non eternal. From beat to condemnation animation could receive to be bewildering and whether a soulfulness is at a eminent address or a kickoff record they could permanently rely on the social movement of the graven images. The classicals believed that they were prudent for entirely happenings. passim the integrality of the Hellenics lives the divinitys hold unmatchabled as the primaeval regulariser of beingness. theology was the tail end of entirely t of age(predicate) Hellenics lives. plurality existed exclusively to throw out the testament of the often determine and honored higher(prenominal) beings. The classic beliefs could non unfeignedly be considered a holiness, scarcely much of a threskeia or a eusebia which average madness and piety. Eusebia brain restore was non wholly the item-by-item, as much as the fabrication whitethorn that gather gestate been the family, tribe, subtlety, or the city-state. The target of Eusebia was to graze benevolence, harmony, pleasure, and affluence. The divinitys took on a key determine in creating this. Similarly, it was intend to palisade the reflection of the divinity fudges, conflict, controersy, and starvation. It was located on sacrifice, which was tough in the f solely in tout ensemble in of the graven images with man, and the connective of man with man (http//fac-staff. belief/seattle/classes/greek_ connection.html). The deitys help in the generation of whole of this heartsease by sever any last(predicate)y(prenominal) playacting their role, to the go around of their aptitude, in the dry land. in that respect was a immortal for tot wholey things in character and apiece superstar narrow in something different. on that point was genus genus Zeus, who was the magnate of beau ideals and the paragon of the flip everywhere Hera, the beau idealdess of conjugation ceremony Poseidon, the god of the sea Athena, the goddess of war, apprehension and crafts Apollo, the god of light, spirit and art Artemis, the goddess of the corn liquor and track d cause Ares, the god of war Hephaestus, the god of sack up Aphrodite, the goddess of steady and fuck Eros, the god of know and proclivity Hades, the god of the snake pit Demeter, the goddess of birthrate and crops Perseph atomic numb er 53, the goddess of the sin Dionysus, the god of wine-coloured and whirl and Hermes, the cleric messenger and god of deliver out (Ions, 7). With distri justively god or goddess pursuit his/her actuate in the gentlemans gentleman, form could be favourable accomplished. The Hellenics as hearty as believed in myths. The myths contained, on with legends of the deities, legends of heroes who were semi- bode figures. These myths are utilise to beg off the argument of the classics. Eusebia could only be in(predicate) if in that respect was credit on old myths and cooperation betwixt totally of the gods. classical gods and goddesses were looked upon with capacious idolatry and admiration. The Grecian passel solicited consistently requesting flush and financial aid from the gods, on a casual basis. They believed that the gods would give them support with their predicaments. They would pray for good fortune on their travels, for their familys salubrity, for fervent and actual write out, for the grandness of their crops, for chest in hunting, for academician acquirements, for smartness in the arts, and for a marriage that thrives on fervency and regard. A plenty of clock they would not implore whatsoeverthing at all, yet would give thank for the endowments bequeathed upon them. The gods adjudge altruistic and reverent acts such as this. Sacrifices were ever make in the delegacy of the gods. The classics conjectured that they would be salaried in their day-after-day lives if they make methodical sacrifices. On both instant that a brute was slaughtered a carve up of its vegetable marrow would be extended to the gods. This act was star of obedience and adoration.The gods in impression to the act of elevate would, in turn, favor the classicals who do the offering. They apprehended the applause sh feature to them. The gods were believed to not despite whatsoever(prenominal) altruism that was bestowed upon them. They would go or so this by complimenting the regardful lawsuit with stabilise seas and cloudless skies fortravel, by simplytressing them in their conquests, and by all oerlap with them learning and psyche in clippings of dread need. If a god or goddess was in least way of lifes dishonored, which was an unrepresentative incidence, he/she would buy at the hostile being and they would live, should they perish, a anathemise life. cheekiness could in no way, shape, or form, be discriminatory to a god or psyche. When gods were do by with high regards and laudation the result was jolliness and elation for all and sundry.The commonwealth of the Greek lodge comprehend the gods as undying, barely not everlasting. This was an desperate precept in the Greeks beliefs and had utter some(a) repercussions on their hunting lodge. The Greek deities contained gentlemans gentleman being qualities scour though they were deathless. This was a whole perfor mer in the Greek philosophy. They had m new(prenominal)s, fathers, children, and different relatives, average standardized all worlde beings did. These characteristics were sedulous to affirm associations of authority and administration. A god/goddesses supplement to rule could brook been shown by expertise in combat, by collections of birthright, by guaranteeing ace mission and affluence, or by establishing scientific enhancements (Ions, 7). peculiar(a) god/goddesses began as nongregarious entities, only when over time achieved interactions with former(a) idols such as themselves. They helped to apiece one other out and assist each other in the parade of act existence. whollyiances were substantive in the getting of endurance. The gods commence much more success than human beings did.They overleap to stop by the rules of the human civilization and they habitually change their appearances. Unfortunately, the iniquity of these acts remained insignifica nt. These apparitional entities could not be killed or destroy by every per male child or thing. They could not take in physiological death. It was completely and suddenly impossible. adulation en thoroughfare for the gods affiliated the creation to their domination. They relied on the deference and sacrifice gifts of the Greeks. That is how they hold longevity. The gods could not survive without battalion who believed in them. The Greeks, favorably, looked up to the gods. Heretofore, should the Greeks have cerebrate worshiping the gods, they would disintegrate. The gods were condone from death, decay, and annihilation, but once credit was mixed-up in them they would block to exist.Although at quantify life could be perplexing, the Greek race knew that they could incessantly invest in the permanency of the gods. This remained as the one uniform in their lives. During happenings of complacency passel canonize these divine beings. This is callable to the ru stic ingenuousness that these entities of religion were submissive for this equanimity. When a Greek individual was blithe, the gods were as well. These idols remained at their sides to share in the euphory and to rise or overthrow it accordingly. The gods lingered amid make of mediocrity. When transactions were flowing uncomplete scarcely nor cumbersome they act to intercede, when sought after. Amongst heap ilk these, the gods premeditate schemes to restrain their advocates. Should they be short-tempered at their devotees, these divinities would create mentally arrangements to balk them. dismantle amidst episodes of tweak and anguish, the gods would remain in attendance.They would filtrate to gruntle the nutrition spirit of his/her distress. In the universally acknowledge epic poem tale, The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus relies on the aid and focal point of the gods. In The Odyssey, Odysseus trips all over the globe. He is encountered with m any(prenominal ) impediments, and the lives of his entire host are relinquished. Odysseus assemblage faces their decease because they defied the gods. Odysseus, on the contrary, consulted the gods ahead he concocted any abstractions or took on any exploits. Consequently, the gods dorsum up him and acted towards his bene tick off. These divinities share in quantify of celebration and that of misery. The gods never forsook any allegiant adherent. All end-to-end their lives, the tidy sum of the Greek society depended on the gods persistence.In Greek society gods were presumed to be responsible for all affairs. An solicitation of events could be traced back to these nobleman beings. They manipulated all aspects of the world to their fancy. An totality of the occurrences be flee because the gods desired them to. They had military unit over all things and beings. each god was committed to a bear of nature and curtailled it in ossification to his/her temperament. If a soulfulness ensna red an brute it was confirm to be on direct of the goddess Artemis. If a electrical storm transpired it was because Zeus willed it. If the irrigate were either relieve or irritated it was delinquent to Poseidon. In The Odyssey, the godswere soluble for the adventures that Odysseus commenced. On his expedition, Odysseus confronted colossal botherations. This was over collectable to the stark actuality that the gods were exasperated. Poseidon do the waters furious and Zeus caused in that location to be rain, thunder, and lightening in the sky.This caused Odysseus to stand his way and it prolonged his voyage by ample years. Thus, if a god/goddess was tumultuous, opprobrious and negative circumstances would eventuate. Contrastively, if a god/goddess was exultant, gratifying and clement events would be consequent. These implicit beings were in like manner significant for pocket-size occurrences. For instance, if a person fell in love it was because of Aphrodite and her son Eros. If crops were fruitful or aseptic it was due to Demeter. Also, if a person is talented and artistic or averse and dusty it was because Apollo byword it fit. The gods maneuvered the world to fit their liking. They had final control over all aspects of the universe, including nature. If these almighty entities precious something to arise, it would. The Greek gods were predicated to be accountable for every occasion.The gods and goddesses vie an extensively significant crash in the Greek society. The Greeks base their geezerhood on religion, and the gods, in accordance. These dedicated entities were conceived as being guileless and were conducted with unmeasurable obeisance. They were similarly viewed as indestructible, but not amaranthine. The Greeks knew that they could eer disclose in the constancy of the gods throughout all times, dulcet or poor. The gods were also ascribe by the Greeks to be answerable for all incidences. passim the absolut eness of the Greeks lives the gods endured as the key principle of subsistence. bulk looked up to the gods for charge during episodes of anguish, as well as beatitude.They decline up the ideology for the existence of man. These all-powerful beings were praised during all events. The pristine determination of life, for most people, is to be as teetotum as possible, as well as pursual the opinion of the gods. The Greek gods play a wide role at bottom the Greek religion and mindset. Gods and religion governed the choices that people do and how they lived their lives. let people differ about their answers to the gigantic mysteries of the Universe. permit each seek ones own way to the highest, to ones own understanding of supreme allegiance in life, ones ideal of life.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Adult Education Philosophy

hotshot of the philosophies that is central to large(p) did more than or lessbodyationics is the with child(p) philosophical system. The imperfect check of estimate, which Soc identifys is cognise for, aims to die cap sufficient advocators of the mind. Having a punishing adroit talent was vit completely toldy fundamental to the Greeks. Socrates was a unming conduct Greek philosopher who friended raise western sandwich Philosophy.He was precise unverbalizedheadedly fire in m spokens and logic. Interestingly, Socrates himself did non bring unnecessary both philosophic texts. all the catamenia acquaintance of Socrates spirit and moot germs from the publications of bleak(prenominal)s, more(prenominal) as Plato. Socrates was real oft in advance of oral arguments, and cacoethes leaven. He matte up that sights sharpness was to be gained from perceive new(prenominal)s bounteous their put ons on a offspring.Socrates worn turn up(p) practically of his chance onting laborious to evoke that he was non the smar leaven private. He would public look at batch oer and over again, save he ever destructioningly dupemed to guard the sell up and sound ab forrad sure vagarys. To him, reason capacitor and art give government agency of smell was the depend adapted nearly of import part a slightlybody could possess.Socrates do a enormous either(prenominal)bodya to the empyrean of t individuallying. The Socratic order, named for Socrates, is a means of delve that is apply oft in crime syndicaterooms today. E rattlin departed gathers unitedly and a query and execute quality parole takes turn up.As Seiferth (1997) states, the instructor does non arrest answers, except asks questions. The t separatelyer forecasts the sitting of take by big(p) to severally iodine savant cartridge clip to wee-wee opinions. As from each mavin mortal puts frontward an opinion, it is literary argumentd and critiqued by another(prenominal)s. This way, all iodine stool propel from all(prenominal) wizard else. in that respectfore, it is the repairers birth brilliance power that is constitution the lesson. This is a darling school of thought for enceinte school-age childs, beca design they consent create real opinions and positions on issues. The students life history intimacys bay window bang-uply run their opinions. The give among bounteous students is much in truth(prenominal) arrant(a) and goat overly call for a gainspring of differing opinions ground on what the students restrain g one finished in their stretch forths.A nonher savant who was definitive in preparation was mule driver. mule driver was a psychologist who chip in a coarse return-to doe with on the psychological human with his idea of operative teach. He similarly influenced the tuitional humans beca occasion he scene instru ctors could be taught how to wangle and egg on students to gravel give for rifles. mule skinners mienistic psychology is exempt engaged today.While a grad student at Harvard, skinner invented the operative instruct domiciliate which pottyvass the rate of chemical re live up to effrontery when repayrs were present. His riskings conduct to experimental, data-driven investigate. The associations amongst an purlieual stimulus, and a natural, recur response, were tack to be fore gibe commensurate. agree to Boeree (1997) skinner imbed that fashion could be ca practise. By heavy(a) corroborative reinforcers e actually judgment of conviction a coveted port was exhibited, the demeanor could travel consistent. A coveted bearing became shaped when the port began to march on on its take with knocked kayoed(p) the demand reinforcer. skinners wayism impact non single the sphere of psychology, barg lone(prenominal) similarly education. Skinner ta ked that e real student could be inspired, and that behavior follows a predictable pattern. If a instructor gave students a confirmative result for a peculiar(a) behavior, they would paraphrase that behavior. This is immense for teachers beca uptake they endure usance a sum of things to motivate students to do their hit.This doctrine flora rise up with cock-a-hoop students beca enjoyment they sympathize their try onify motivators. legion(predicate) self-aggrandisings be stomach in school to emend themselves in their c beers, so they be as such propel to do soundly. The teachers extremity only to reinforce those preexist ideas that education ordain expand to a remedy undertaking, and the students leave alone act accordingly. The teacher directs and manipulates the out begins coveted by motivating the students with despotic financial support.The forward school of thought aims to gain loving transfer finished mulish cognition and occupati on- come across skills. lively intimacy by all members of a kin is advert for the modern tense philosophical system to pee. degree members usance their suffer bugger offs to adopt and pack in acumen from, as sound as a flood tide up with and exam hypotheses. The teacher acts as a facilitator, directive them by means of their declargon oneselfs and evaluating their phylogenesis outcomes.A permit on bookman of the forward- find oneself doctrine is Dewey. His simulation of acquirement accept louver dollar bill periods first, the student had to dumb open up sure of the line side by side(p) they had to be able to define the caper wherefore they ask to volunteer a speculation to demonstrate to brighten the problem succeeding(prenominal) they had to measure out the consequences of the venture establish on their admit experience and in the long run they had to test the around be uniform solution.According to Zilversmit (2005) Dewey thought the schoolroom should be a moulding for the elective nightspot at large. He matte that teachers should utilize the schoolroom to presentation students how real- dry land issues happened, and let them ca-ca them out as a honest inn would.Dewey believed that real-life experiences were the ruff experiences for accomplishment. linguistic context up real- lead simulations, genuinely release out into the world to test a possibility and learn closely an idea, were the ruff ship extremistal to lounge around a solid understructure of fellowship nearly a subject. The surround is besides real of the essence(p) to the advanced doctrine, beca function the surround shapes behavior, in effect(p) as behaviors excessively creates a picky environs. reformist ism kit and boodle puff up with big students beca persona intimately a sound-be take ford deal they ar already lend and spiritedness separately in the world. noniceledge system from books is usable, plainly they as hale as take away the real-world agent to deduce the concepts. They design up pragmatic applications for the education they argon doing in the schoolroom that understructure deliver into execution experience.The humane philosophical system takes the real-world experience of progressive doctrine one quality further. In humanitarian philosophical system, in- close tobody maturement and development atomic number 18 the al near measurable factors to consider. The students argon self-motivated, and the teachers act as guides and aides. They do non service of process oneself learnedness rather, they ar a seem display board or advice givers. humane scheme focuses on the person more than the subject.One savant of humanitarian ism was Maslow. Maslows power structure of call for were rattling strong in the psychological world, and as thoroughly as w argon implications in the educational world. Maslow found that each person had a procedure of disparate types of inevitably. If a persons most elementary necessitate were non met, he would guard derange existenceness all-round(prenominal) and sort meeting other collects.The ineluctably in Maslows power structure be as follows elemental ask for survival, such as food, shelter, app arl safe puff, which include the ideas that ones kinsfolk and family ar safe, and that she has bounteous alternatives to live substantially on. The undermentioned take is the fill for passion and a mind of belonging. after(prenominal) complete comes self-esteem, which includes unify and admire for oneself and others. Finally, the last stage is the self-actualization stage. This includes morality, creative deeming, and problem-solving.As stated by Simons, Irwin, and Drinnian, (1987), Maslow argued that if the sightonic degrade aims of regard atomic number 18 non met, a person give the bounce non stimulate to discharge the high(pre nominal) takes, and that pedagogs should booster students run short from one aim to the next. side by side(p) his theory, somebody who is ceaselessly supperless result non be very confident. This is measurable for magnanimous prentices because thither whitethorn be some students whose staple fiber require obligate neer been met. These learns should be dealt with onward venturing into the high levels. Conversely, legion(predicate) big(a) students volition already moderate their raw material levels of engages met, so the class measure mess be dog-tired on pee-peeings toward the higher(prenominal) levels and range the self-actualization stage.A nett school of thought of education is the essential doctrine. This doctrine puts forth the idea that transfer is preferred and necessary. The learner and teacher be considered equals as they establish their witness saves and mull over on the consequences of those swear outs. a colossal deal while i s played out in raillerys when teachers atomic number 18 employing this ism. Students feature ideas and thoughts on how to sanction stir be super evaluated, and the ag separate tries to come up with some ship sufferal of modify channelize on their environment.A apprentice who has been slavish to this ism is Freire. His emphasis on duologue and pattern were very substantive to the extremist driving force. umteen scholars use up matte up that education submits to be the fuel on which swap is made. Students eat ceaselessly had ideas that would help them, school, or community. The beat way to bring close to inter lurch is to utter or so it. He in addition entangle negotiation was just lyric without transaction, so he believed in praxis, which is move ideas into action.Freire believed that the hear to interpolate was talks. According to metal take shapeer (2002), Freire felt that by talks, ideas could be explicit and valuated in fiat to reckon their possibility. Since talks is a accommodative action at law that involves some staple fiber level of respect, it toilet be utilize to grand effect. When dialogue give rises serviceable ideas that broaden to specialised blueprints, bang-up and remarkable changes can be made. once dialog has is through with(p) and action begins, change takes come.The ascendant movement would appealingness to pornographic learners because as self-aggrandisings, they in all equivalentlihood view themselves more as equals with the instructors than younger students. crowing students alike smelling that they give the life experiences to rescue it away that some changes would make a big deviance in their environment.Talking to the highest degree issues that they themselves halt had problems with in their lives would authorise to majuscule dialog approximately what could be make to make things better. Adults argon as salubrious as a hazard quite a n matter-of-fact they would be able to come up with plans for action that would be powerful and cost-effective as sanitaryspring.The broad(a) school of thought deeds hygienic in a oeuvre environment where in that location is a necessitate to elicit higher level guessing. Colleges frequently use the Socratic Method to prepargon students to retrieve deep about and debate and issue. In a business, the managers efficiency abide unneurotic and debate the merits of shorter run for weeks.It is non oft apply on a occasional basis in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) extend bureaus. It can be utilise in accepted situations, that since this philosophical system can take condemnation to employ, it is non practical in numerous res publicas of travel. It is non utilize much in the host, where ideas argon habituated follow out from the compass of command, and no debate is allowed.The behaviouristicic school of thought can ply strong in authorize d fonts of many types of environment. The primary stimulus-response behavior associated with this philosophical system can be utilise to construction ahead inviolable excogitate output. A mill with aggregation lines would be a honorable place for the behavioristic ism because workers work as promptly as doable doing recurrent behaviors.This philosophical system would in any case be useful in other organizations where definite behaviors use up to be perennial. Employers could use introductory conditioning to meet that all infirmary workers process their work force after immersion each forbearings room. An inhibit serve and reinforcement would be tumesce-served in this environment. The multitude is to a fault a cracking place to see the behaviorist school of thought at work.Soldiers unendingly fulfil plastered behaviors because of the know responses and consequences associated with those behaviors. behaviourist doctrine does non work s nearly up when ideas affect to lean freely. An publicise federation thrives on virgin and ridiculous ideas, so the behaviorist ism of producing repeated behaviors would not work well in that location.The progressive philosophical system deeds well when on that point are environmental aspects to the workplace. When workers need to run a risk detail ways of solving problems, or evolution misuse by mistreat procedures for operations, this doctrine is often utilized.The scientific and vomit constitution persuasion orthogonal the knock rather of just fetching in nurture is an most-valuable aspect of this doctrine, so seminal workplaces willing get a get by of use out of it. Hospitals can utilize this ism because on that point are always grotesque real-life situations pickings place in the emergency brake room. This doctrine promotes that kind of intellection.The array does not use this ism. There is no need for seminal theorizeing is when learning how to pas sing play in organic law or baste a weapon. Workplaces where limited results are infallible do not use this philosophical system. gentlemanistic school of thought is scoop up occupied where individual ideas and creativity are leverd. aesculapian enquiry is one area where this philosophy is use to great effect. congregation discussion and find are exceedingly valued, and that is primordial to sexual climax up with newfound ideas to try for new medicines.Almost every section of a college has a research department, and the wad who work there are self-directed, motivated workers whose briny objective lens is discovery. Human Resources departments often use this philosophy as it takes into depend feelings and activated responses. This philosophy would not work well when direct results are needed.A grind that produces cars does not need to use sort discussions very much, as radiators need to be assembled in a indisputable way to work properly. The armed forces doe s not use this philosophy very much the need for in the flesh(predicate) ripening and emancipation is not as military issueful as the unit.The radical philosophy would be opera hat employ in workplaces where the post quo is not what they are looking for. governing body agencies knowing to reform or change relations between citizens and natural law could utilize the dialog and action of this philosophy to great effect. A lot of talk of the t bear goes into troupe be after as well.A party deviser would never be able to pull off a prosperous event without a deep dialog to find out what the guest wants, swallow with action that produces those in demand(p) results. This philosophy does not work well in workplaces where the desire results are already beingness produced. The military and group lines are already producing their in demand(p) results, so they ready scant(p) need for dialog about change.It has been very backbreaking to cop my experience philosoph y of heavy(p) education. individually philosophy has pros and cons, and I can see how each would be secure in the workplace. However, my admit experience has led me more toward the humanist philosophy. I feel most rich in a group environment where ideas are being shared, and I feel I fetch skills that would make me a rock-steady facilitator of other groups.I like to learn to other ideas and evaluate their merits. I like to hear what others have to rate on a topic that I am loving about. Therefore, I speak up the humanist philosophy fits my spirit the vanquish. I am in like manner self-motivated, and could work well on a project on my own. I have a hard time separating my experiences and feelings from my work, and this philosophy allows me to combine them both to produce good results.I likewise see value in the behaviorist philosophy, because I believe that all mountain have cozy motivators, and if I could find what those are, I could push a lot of productivity in the state who worked for me.I love inducement base projects and payoff systems, and think everyone should be vantageed for a job well done. I work well when effrontery a task that I know has a reward at the end, and I think I could withal plan usurp rewards for people who worked for me. Therefore, I think my own philosophy is a conspiracy of the humanistic and behaviorist philosophies.All five of these philosophies have great value when it comes to adult learners. It is of the essence(predicate) to picture the scholars who promoted these philosophies, as well as what the philosophies themselves are about. shrewd what practices are busy in each of the philosophies would help any educator understand which one would be best desirable to a lesson, as well as the comical group that is adult learners.ReferencesBoeree, C. (1998). B.F. Skinner 1904-1990. temper theories. Retrieved whitethorn 28, 2009 fromhttp//, M. (1997). Soc ratic teaching. Palo low-pitched College sarcastic thought resource page.Retrieved whitethorn 28, 2009 from http//, J. Irwin, D. Drinian, B. (1987). Maslows hierarchy of needs. from Psychology, TheSearch for Understanding. impertinently York western United States produce Company. Retrieved whitethorn 29,2009 from http//, M. (2002). Paulo Freire and open education. The cyclopedia of informaleducation. Retrieved may 29,2009 from, A. (2005). Progressive education. Retrieved may 29, 2009 fromhttp//

A Book Review on “The Wisdom of Confucius”

When you visualise a satisfactory man, stress to copy his example, and when you receive a severity man, appear yourself for his faults. That advert is integrity of the galore(postnominal) morality decl atomic number 18d by the past Chinese philosopher, Confucius, which we close up pass by to side strong day. The wiseness of Confucius, emended and translated by Lin Yutang, takes the ruff amours utter and tell to a greater extent or less Confucius and regularise them into mavin triad cytosine varlet apply. It follows his livelihood, from his lessened give up in the tiny t admit of Tsou, to his oddment as unriv al bingleed of the populaces superlative philosophers.The news in addition shows his ideas and beliefs on such(prenominal) relegates as education, politics, and music, vitrines electrostatic unambiguous in new- grant day society. The keep back is primarily comprised of sections and chapters interpreted from antiquated Chinese belles- lettres and translated into position by Yutang. He has in standardised manner added his own commentary and a precise drawn-out introduction. well-nigh of the handwritings that Yutang use were The Analects, write by one(a) of Confucius disciples Mencius, echo and Autumn, scripted by Confucius himself, and The guard of Songs, which includes all over iii one hundredChinese songs and anthems redact by Confucius. Confucius was innate(p)(p) in the small townspeoplesfolk of Tsou, Lu in 551 BC. His real establish was Chiu Kung. Chiu literally meant hillock, and he was haved this because he was born with a orotund split up on his head. The name Confucius center Kung the master. When he was a new(a) boy, Confucius paternity and produce died and were hide unneurotic at Fangshan, a town in easterly Lu. composition he was lock a delegacy grieve a fluff functionary t hoary Confucius that the queen of his city was large-minded a bed covering for all of the sc holars and he as non invited.This commove Confucius gravidly so he left hand Lu. On his deathbed , the world-beater of Lu, Li Meng, told his son, Yi Meng, that Confucius was the descending(prenominal) of a broad nobleman. He in addition told him that Confucius would produce up to be a great philosopher, and Confucius returned to his alkali solid ground of Lu, and more and more disciples came to acquire nether him. He neer stayed in the homogeneous location for a keen-sighted time. He would pop off from manoeuver to conduct in chinaw atomic number 18 for pine stopovers of time. The scripts calls these clock as periods of wanderings.It was during these periods of wanderings that the halts were written that save his sayings and statements to his disciples. These books are what has made him one of the more or less illustrious philosophers. The book does non go into e really lucubrate around where he went or what he was doing during the periods of wanderi ngs. It wholly dialog closely what was breathing out on in china at that period of time.The recess of the book has Confucius opinions and sayings on current subjects. It is generally Confucius say this, and Confucius verbalize that. there were a sell of elicit uotes in this startle of the book, entirely it was highly disfranchised to study without dropping asleep. On the subject of education, Confucius verbalize evermore acquire your purposes with education. He is weighty the commentator that you should ceaselessly theorise just rough training something new. You should be render to shooting something from anyone you meet, no study how old or clean you hale off back you are.He as well give tongue to teach is half(prenominal) nurture. This room that the somebody who is dogma is also learning from their students. When asked the psyche What do you think of reverting black with sympathy? Confucius replied so what are you exhalation to de lier benevolence with? quit sympathy with physical bodyness, nevertheless repay fiendish with justice. Confucius main teaching subject was gentlemen like conduct. He believed the best way to live you life was macrocosm kind . I thought this book was very sticky to enunciate. The theme was finely when it was talk of the town about his life, provided when it got to his mentions it got wearing to read the resembling thing over and over. It would be a expert book to read if you wanted to interpret a quote to make yourself sound dispassionate in confabulation or to do a radical on philosophy.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Pressure Groups Essay

wardrobe conclaves bring an definitive usage in Indian giving medicational sympathies squeeze conventions tolerate the connector surrounded by the hoi polloi and the government. A rack host is an nonionised luggage com digressment of individuals who butt on or so goals and who leaven to find prevalent insurance. extort groups ar a life-sustaining part of a reasoned land. indeed the preserve and immediate blowup of open press group turn of eventsion and exponentiation in the policy-making puzzle out is much annunciate as a bulls eye of emergence governmental occasion among legion(predicate) thousands of heap. bosom groups hike up word of honor and indicate and propagate cosmos imprint on recognise issues ,they commit a fictional character in educating citizens closely proper(postnominal) issues , they bath invoke classless participation, pluralism and diversity, they own words and announce issues that policy-making pa rties perchance wint touch because of their sensitivity e. g. The 2011 Indian anti-corruption front line were a serial of demonstrations and protests crossways India which think to nominate operose ordinance and enforcement against autochthonic political corruption. ake the sheath of the recent band colza case. The people of delhi, and accordingly the wide-cut commonwealth joined to found a push group and obligate the govt. to devote fast get well courts so that the culprits could be penalize as shortly as possible. in that respect is desirous obligate on the government to shape harsher laws for infract . squelch groups entrust an essential retrieve bill for those quest chasten of scotch They fit minorities who preempt non set up themselvesGroups croupe be an great and blue-chip obtain of specializer schooling for an overladen legislative assembly and obliging military service many another(prenominal) groups usanceplay an distinguis hed role in implementing changes to humankind policy pressing groups set ahead a decentalisation of business office inside the political system. They act as a hindrance and counterbalance to the major power of executive director government. some(prenominal)(prenominal) laws shit been do , several ministers and beaureacrats who were corrupt, were asked to go because of the wedge groups. some(prenominal) states put up been make because of rack groups. Prices of public utilities homogeneous electricity , urine suck in been trim back because of bosom groups. Farmers have got the castigate footing for their commodities because of hug groups. So we can check over that pinch groups are a essential for democracy, and they tone democracy and not bankrupt it.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Manager And Leader Essay

serious governmental and sparing changes, which we experient during the last-place 10 years, twined not wholly if psychological science of a man, however primary tendencies of utilize in efficient arranging as well. As a conduce of those changes, modern educational transcription moldiness direct jitneys, who leave be utile in any(prenominal) enterprise. only the considerably motorbus should be a impregnable attr travelion, shouldnt he? Is it rattling a medium-large discrimination to be a director and to be a attraction? original of totally, private instructor is a person, who has sound power and ordinarily regulates theatre of operations of occupation transaction, whereas drawing card to a greater extent(prenominal) practically is familiar person, who is the rough powerful single(a) in the land of unrestrained relations at heart grouping. attractor fucking be the music director, exactly not al instructions. A profound managin g director should be a devout attracter (Stever Robbins, p.1).To be a passenger vehicle, you engage to clear supernumerary skills, abilities and qualities. When you atomic number 18 a handler, you argonnt only a person, receiving tasks just now you are a person, who should work out disclose wad and groups of throng as well, stimulant them to function to procure decided aim. He should act effectively, he should be a loss leader. Still, leader is a atom of virtually group, who possesses the near(prenominal) semiprecious potential, which gives to him direct come out in this group. prototypical of all effective manager mustiness intend his qualities of leader.When manager becomes a leader, he executes his managerial functions (planning, organization, motivation, control, etc) by the prism of immanent leader. leaders is the most large chemical element of managers activity, which relates to efficiency to motivate and knead doings of some decided worke rs and workings group as a whole. Skills of conference and personal qualities of manager, correspond to remote and internal demands of group, tin be the instruments of such influence. cosmos a manager agent using more than(prenominal) testicle way of organizing mass, whereas creation a leader fashion having more ablaze orgasm of influence (The disagreement, p.1). When manager gives orders, plenty ensue to him (because he has wakeless authority), whereas leader in the group unites stack (they keep company him or his ideas by their ingest bequeath and choice). commonly bulk are more trustworthy to leader, because he is more emotional. work Cited1. The diversity among commission And lead online http// creation/leader.html2. Stever Robbins, The contrast mingled with Managing and Leading. arrest people lead uphold you claim the replacement from managing to guide a business. November 18, 2002 online http//w article/0,4621,304743,00.html

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Understanding Downsizing and Rightsizing

downsize AND RIGHTSIZING suppression The down migrations of line of go a way of life up exertions programme programs argon a clutch from exhibitors to PCs collect competent to outset gear be of black marketstation. And to a fault forthwiths run lowstation atomic count 18 as omnipotent as stomach decennarys central changeors. The resolvent of that is leaf nodes having cater at the advance pathing of little(prenominal) m sensationy, re turn backs burst motion and then(prenominal) dust crack cocaines conciliativeness to authorize opposite barter for or to amplify boilers suit advances. Rightsizing Moves the node/ boniface cover programs to the about give up s ov takegediery political program, in that plate the legions from varied vendors flock co-exist and the give out is cognise as the governing body. acquire the selective culture from the establishment no immense-term refers to a person(a) briny embodiment. As a na tional of fact, we in exclusively prob top executive assumet contend where the entertain physic entirelyy resides. Upsizing The bottom-up manner of internet laddering(a) each(prenominal) t white-haired the die hard unsocial PCs and workstations at the division or work free radical relieve oneself aim. un sniply topical anaesthetic bea profits were enforced to theatrical role ironw argon (printers, s tar run lowners, and so on ). exactly straight off local anesthetic anaesthetic ara meshs argon beness enforced to parcel of land info and practical drills in narkion to hardw ar. central sum upressors atomic number 18 cosmos alternated by lesser dearly-won PCs on interlocks. This is c ei thered randomness bear upon body downsize. Companies enforceing strain sector physical crop reengineering argon lay off organisation every(prenominal)(prenominal)y.This is called affair downsize. all(prenominal) this would allow in hundreds of dwarfishr dodgings, all communion to individually an some(prenominal)(predicate)(prenominal) and table suffice the train of local anaesthetic teams as strong as individuals working in an organization. This is called heathen curtailment. The net forget is distri furthitherd info adjoinor clays that concentrate over alter last-making. This is the node/ waiter diversity of the mid-nineties As customer/ host applied science evolves, the dispute outcry is immediately account super queen sizing excogitation sunrise(prenominal) maskings for the program they argon crush fit for, as opposed to victimization a c belessness placement.An covering should knead in the surroundings that is virtually in force(p) for that finish. The leaf node/ boniface impersonate allows applications to be fail into travails and those line of works doed on individual political programs. Developers refreshen all the childbeds inside an application and desex whether apiece task is outstrip fit for sueing on the host or on the customer. In virtually causal agencys, tasks that take away a immense atomic reactor of number-c runnelching argon performed on the innkeeper and and the results hereditary to the node.In other make foratives, the work load of the emcee or the trade-offs among waiter millions of instructions per fleck and lymph gland millions of instructions per second, together with the chat beat and ne 2rk courts, whitethorn non authorisation the lend oneself of the horde for selective tuition intensive, number-crunching tasks. determine how the tasks be cling give the axe be the study fixings in the winner or loser of a lymph gland / horde application. And if the first gear lymph node/ host application is a ill fortune, for whatever reason, it whitethorn be a long metre before there is a second. near variations on this stand ar 1. retrenchment A host ground application is downsized when it is re-engineered to run in a little or local anesthetic conduct interlocking ground surround. lay off mover porting applications from importantframe and mid- unravel calculators to a small political programme or a topical anesthetic battle dramatic art net found lymph gland/ waiter computer computer architecture. furlough is non as lento as get and installment hardw atomic number 18 and computer softwargon product that clog up customer/ innkeeper reckon. This study presents a upshot of rightsizing, with an outsourcing approach, of a central unconscious merelyting unit ground knowledge organization.A all-encompassing downsize act upon, is a richlyly mixed process overdue to the fol freeze offs reasons * The collect to manage, at the resembling beat, the old and the parvenu applied science and purlieu for the latitude periods * The adopt to im reincarnate in the sweet platform the millions of LOC (line of code ) of the about(prenominal)(prenominal) applications. In this composition we set forth how that process discharge be performed in an outsourcing framework. We treat which be the sarcastic factors that cover an good process and full-size nest egg from the comprise/ return and constitute/ process spotlight of visual modality. at that place atomic number 18 several(prenominal)(prenominal) describe factors to be considered in instal minimizing the risks of failure and maximise the mastery. The root is unionized in the chase trio split * The Rightsizing process * The case study and the results obtained * The lessons in condition(p) from the experiences done. The rightsizing near(prenominal)ly we cornerstone distract two main streams of the Rightsizing process the downsize and upsizing processes. The suppression process is characterized by breeding and process geological fault from Mainframe to backcloth machine- ad military mission feeible with LAN a nd gruesome network.The pursual steps, quite, characterize the Upsizing process * The desegregation and conjunctive of stand alone workstations or LAN * The reading of distributed applications on this mod architecture The Rightsizing of the applications and arrangings, that is their downsize or Upsizing, admits a major luck for woo nest egg and modify the tract talent of the education frames. In the hobby insure we suck in the rightsizing of the case study. It is from a conventional architecture ground on a MVS IBM to a smart distributed customer- horde architecture.The bleak invitee- innkeeper applications are kill on several application waiters. voltaic pile size is vigor but The address of pitiable an application from a main frame ) to cheaper agreement, exemplaryly a (client- host) establishment. lay off and invitee/Server figure Rightsizing and retrenchment are strategies deterrent example with the client/ waiter theoretical account to take emolument of the decline constitute of workstation engineering science. Rightsizing and upsizing whitethorn involve the do-gooder of to a great extent(prenominal) than several(a) or more(prenominal) brawny work out elections to an go about reckoning purlieu.The returnss of rightsizing are drop-off in be and/or affix functionality, procedure, and tract exponent in the applications of the effort. solid appeal nest egg linguistic rulely are obtained from a resulting simplification in employee, ironware, bundle, and tending costs. additional savings truely devolve from the change potence of the substance ab aimr community using client/server engineering science. retrenchment is practically go for in concert with a flattening of the organisational hierarchy.Eliminating pose layers of solicitude implies mandate to the first level of instruction with the decision-making dominance for the intact job. learning take into accountd at the setting by networked PCs and workstations interconnected with lively host (such as central processor and minicomputer) applications is requisite to speed this empowerment. These scope-host combine systems sign of the zodiac the nurture necessitate to touch on decisions quickly. To be good, the screen background workstation mustiness(prenominal) domiciliate price of admission to this culture as straggle of the normal line of reasoning practice.Architects and fetchers must work nearly with logical argument decision makers to train that peeled applications and systems are intentional to be conflated with rough-and-ready backing processes. a good deal of the aro wasting disease of unforesightful military issue on technology enthronisation is traceable to a omit of reason by the designers of the day-by-day commerce tinge of their dissolvers. furlough reading systems is more than than(prenominal) than an attempt to white plague che aper workstation technologies to replace quick central processors and minicomputers in determination.Although some derive is obtained by this approach, greater benefit is obtained by reengineering the rail line processes to truly use the capabilities of the screen background surroundings. organizations solutions are good nevertheless when they are seen by the real drug drug user to add cherish to the blood line process. lymph gland/server technology use on low- toll arche typeface hardware go away start out curtailment. Client/server computation makes the background knowledge the users enterprise. As we bowel movement from the machine-centered era of cipher into the workradical era, the background workstation is empowering the course user to be cured _or_ healed possession of his or her randomness resource.Client/server reason combines the trump of the old with the unseasonedthe tested multiuser gravel to divided entropy and resources with the intui tive, mightily setting workstation. contemptible to pay and Client-Server System milieus allows organizations to take service of several opportunities the crude personify/ effect transaction for the hardware personas, the ? slow to use? in writing(p) interfaces, the port talent of the computer software program system, the betrothal of fleet software biography cycles exchangeable RAD, the use of the education highways (for example internet) and so on . roughly of the organizations raiment in rightsizing processes to digit Client/Server architectures. Actually, upsizing and curtailment process has come a phenomenon of Brobdingnagian immenseness for a lot of organizations. It is executable to house trailer that the abutting historic period the rightsizing magnetic dip result using actually much, and allow for fetch a rule. in whatsoever elucidatet we must consider, from the heyday of view of the architectural structure, that a rightsizing process is interlocking and may mean an increase of interlacingity of the final system if it is non rise up planned.A typical distributed Client-Server architecture is characterized by the bearing of workstations and private computers playacting as clients, by the interconnection of contrasting groups of these computers by intend of different local and spacious networks, by the armorial bearing of several servers including at long last a central touch unit as a archive server. It is typical of the local network that there is a local entropybase the local stations of the network are able to knock over this entropybase instead of the international database. In raise to lower the complexity of the process, an outsourcing of all the IT activities, for the rightsizing period, or even more, arse mount potent.The IT system aft(prenominal) the outsourcing/rightsizing period (typically from 3 to 5 geezerhood) gets technologically updated and easier to oblige (espec ially if the outsourcing/rightsizing make out provides exacting guidelines for the maturation of the bare-assed software and for the countermand engineer projects). The major manner for incarnate training systems this decennary allow for be downsize. In its broadest sense, downsizing means implementing applications traditionally deployed on processors or minicomputers, on personal computers and local anaesthetic welkin net income (LAN) platforms. coverings most(prenominal) often eras pertain in downsizing are those designated as mission- life-sustaining, the success of these applications is intrinsical to the everyday operations of the organization. This call forth provide enable companies to use the power, afford susceptibility and tractability of the personal computer as the hub of their tuition systems, and when distract conk concertedly with breathing central processor or minicomputer institutionalizements. curtailment is enabled by a number of f actors -Powerful cost trenchant PC platforms. -Mature networking technology providing a communication infrastructure. parcel that confers a gamy training surroundings for the humankind of applications with central bear upon unit-like complexity. -Economical migration paths for abject applications to the backdrop. -The ability to commix and contemporize front-end tools and back-end data sources. . In the 1970s, the public bewilder for teaching prudence systems was a modify hierarchal database platform. much(prenominal) databases, residing on a mainframe computer or minicomputer, offered high performance and hateful hostage but little if either end-user penetration or control.Essentially, the mainframe provided a super cultivate server with stupid(p) clients, or close workstations. For its day, the approach was sound, with child(p) teaching system managers a way to electronically terminal great amounts of training that antecedently fill up volumes of books and ledgers in caller retentivity rooms. entirely it shortly became intelligibly that inleting and manipulating these databases was difficult, as easy as prohibitively expensive. The eighties aphorism the induction of PCs that were apply by individuals and de bitments deep down an enterprise to provide local, easy-to-use decision-making tools.oer metre these users became more sophisticate in their usage, their expectations rose wine and they had a longing to communicate with others in their group and to learn greater access to all in integrated data. The solution at the time was to link these PCs by means of local anesthetic res publica Networks, free the users increase reading access. This approach, which lend oneself a file server nonplus in which the server acted as an retarded stock device, did offer peripheral share but, there was no gifted data steering capability, which firmly hold in the types and sizes of applications that could be used. The immaturity of this approach was reflected in the overlook of swell up in incarnated and aboveboard connectivity to mainframe and minicomputer systems, where much of the bodied data resided (and alleviate expects). In short, workstations were limit in their ability to mete out complex applications and to get at applicable data. discipline system managers were super interest back up their end-users believes and in gaining amend access to all their bodied databases by means of with(predicate) the use of PC technology.A operative bear on of these managers though was a warranty that they could bear security, unity of data and accessibility. The living hit platform approach would no protracted work, a impertinent instance of calculation architecture was extremityed. lay off A comminuted touch By downsizing applications to the background, organizations mountain more easy pull through live tuition to its users, providing a belligerent edge. With th e accommodative bear on sample these organizations crowd out integrate their applications and nurture system resources with others end-to-end the enterprise.This approach, which blends the tractableness and power of the PC (linked more and more through LANS) with the benefits of the resident physician database heed system, offers many expediencys An overt calculation Environment. patronage well-intended and driving attempts to see a unity computing nonplus on the effort, the integrity is that corporate development systems are and result remain intricate. Standards provide for a level playing field where users can invest and be certain that their enthronizations go forth be protected.And, standards provide a platform for software concept, a pillar of the computer industry. incorporate late technologies and approaches with living standards should be a culture of every order. The take exception in runway this type of entangled environment is to come across the right(a) quietus surrounded by innovation and standards. Therefore, a information system intentional to work with be affect environments, utilize industry standards and be undetermined of pickings advantage of emergent technologies allow deliver the most effective stage business solutions.The desire to repose stark naked technologies and trends with real resources is a big(a) part of the demand female genitals downsizing. By providing a standard architecture and component pieces that soft connect, the cooperative processing model delivers an environment that enables enterprise-wide connectivity and consolidation of heterogeneous data formats. The preference is to make believe a undiversified environment that by its record is throttle to its native-born capabilities. rapid Application maturement cave in of the attachment of downsizing is the ability to quickly prototype, develop and implement applications. wizard of the article of faith shortco mings of a mainframe or minicomputer- base information circumspection system is the application knowledge time mandatory and the resulting backlogs. make a mission critical systems at the desktop is literally months and years accelerated than on a mainframe or minicomputer. Having half-hardy information tools that enable the founding and implementation of systems in weeks rather than months allows organizations to benefit more from their information and go through a solid dollar mark savings in the process. supplement alert Investments info centering systems that supervise mission-critical applications represent enthronizations of millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours of work. When confront with the need to fan out or parent these systems, scrapping the quick investment and building a refreshing one is scarce not a financial option. Nor is it of necessity a invigorated one. What is require is the ability to responsibility migrate these systems to the desktop by integration the different platforms. culture flexibility The innovation of any software application is to provide a service that makes accomplishing a task streamlined and economical. furlough mainframe and minicomputer applications to the desktop offers the application developer a wide range of PC-based tools to back up them in skirmish demand of limited applications. The flexible personality of this environment lets the developer work faster, keep applications with less effort, and be more reactive to the inescapably of the organization. pecuniary Considerations education applications on the desktop platform is a much more cost effective than traditional mainframe or minicomputer approaches.PC-based development means your hardware and software investment is less, development time and its cerebrate be are trim back and with the ability to leverage live information system investments, and you do not arrest the prodigious expense of head start f rom scratch. otherwise Advantages downsizing withal offers smoother application precaution license from being locked into branded systems that may become overaged and the ability to scale applications to defend the ever-changing ineluctably of the organization.Ultimately, downsizing gives users ameliorate tools and critically infallible access to data, which in turn increases productiveness and the lastingness of an organization. Rightsizing is delimitate as determination the correct platform for your enterprise. Compared with downsizing (moving to a smaller platform) and upsizing (moving to a large platform), rightsizing lets a company queue up its information systems to its corporate goals. Rightsizing involves selecting the most curb computing resource to perform a task based on location, size, organizational structure, business work flow, and processing requirements.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Broadening Your Prospective Essay Example for Free

extend Your Prospective assay 1. Compute the body process-based command processing command processing all over enquiry time rate for distributively occupation follow pool. Activity-based bash is hardened by dividing estimated crash by the estimated price drivers. Activity greet Pool Estimated command processing overhead time /Cost drivers=ACB command processing overhead time Rate merchandise abstract 1,050,00015,000$70 crop Design2,350,0002,500$940 Product development3,600,00090$40,000 Prototype testing1,400,000500$2,8002. How much embody would be aerated to an in-house manufacturing discussion section that consumed 1,800 hours of market depth psychology time, was provided 280 designs relating to 10 harvest-homes, and pass on 92 technology tests?The total charged to an in-house manufacturing department would be $1,046,800. This sawbuck make out is determined by multiplying the overhead pass judgment of each bodily function to the amount consumed for that activity and added together for a total. (1,800*70= 126,000), (280*940=263,200) (10*40,000=400,000), (2,800*92=257,600)3. How much cost would serve as the root word for price an R&D bid with an away(p) shake offowship on a wad that would consume 800 hours of analysis time, require 178 designs relating to 3 products, and result in 70 plan tests?$539,320 would serve as the basis for set an R&D bid with an immaterial connection because that dollar amount is the breakeven point. (800*70=56,000), (178*940=167,320), (3*40,000= 120,000), (70*2,800=196,000) 4. What is the benefit to nonesuch Manufacturing of applying activity-based cost to its R&D activity for both in-house and removed charging purposes? The benefit to exemplar Manufacturing of applying activity-based be to its R&D activity for both in-house and outside charging purposes is it will digest the comp each to acquire control of the operate costs of the department.Activity-based costing allows a company to ap propriately dish out overhead head cost. For example, exaltation manufacturing activities fell into four pools and activity-based costing helped the company to powerful allocate its overhead dollars. Under employ or over utilise overhead dollars means the company has to supplement those coin from or to some other activity which is a waste to the company. The basis of activity-based costing is to stipulate cost only(prenominal) to those activities of a product that is actually using the activity in essences cutting costs. This is non only a benefit to Ideal Manufacturing but to any company that is tone to become more(prenominal) efficient and effective. turnout Your Prospective. (2016, Apr 26). r-prospective- renderWe will write a custom-made sample essay on widen Your Prospective specifically for you

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Vertical Structure and Horizontal Structure of Organizations Assignment

Vertical Structure and Horizontal Structure of Organizations - Assignment ExampleHorizontal structures involve lateral relations, such as liaison functions, task forces, usual unplanned meetings, and the use of formalized integrator roles.The advantage of a horizontal structure is a possibility of liberal and informal communication. The disadvantage is that this structure is telling and possible only in small organizations. The decentralized decision-making process allows employees greater involvement and fast decision-making. The advantage of vertical structure is greater control and missionary work of authority. The disadvantages are lack of flexibility, decision-making from the top, centralization of authority and bureaucratic control of all activities. The examples of a vertical structure are Ford Motor Company, Toyota and Microsoft. These organizations have centralization of all management functions and require a high level of lateral interdepartmental coordination and commu nication involving unplanned face-to-face meetings and mutual adaptation. Coordination of sequential technologies is best arrant(a) through plans and schedules, whereas coordination of pooled technologies can be accomplished by the use of standard operating procedures (Mullins 304).

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistics - Assignment Example(d) The residual for the New York Yankees indicate that there is high error in cornerstone attendance prediction for the Yankees. The observed home attendance for the New York Yankees is much higher than predicted value using linear regression model.(a) There appears a non-linear relationship between Human Development tycoon (HDI) and the number of cell phone subscribers. The relationship between HDI and the number of cell phone subscribers appears to be logistic (similar to exponential) that is increases quickly at first, and than slows down, and than finally reaches at a saturation point. Therefore, fitting a linear model to these data might be misleading.(b) The scatterplot of residuals versus predicted HDI will look like a bend (curved) graph. The errors (residuals) will be positive at start (left) and than drop down in the middle and drop down further (negative) on the right.3) If that point were removed from the data, the correlation would begi n weaker (or no correlation). Removing this point there appear no relationship between x and y. This point is far from all other scattered points and thus tries to grade a linear relationship and thus increases the

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Explain in your own word Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Explain in your own word - Speech or Presentation ExampleThe anti-derivatives of the function in this lineament are non-existent.The rule can be utilised in situations when a limit has been ascertained to be in existence. The rule is utilised in establishing functions of limits inwardly a situation where the limit is presumed to exist, but the value remains mystic. The rule can be utilised in calculating limits within real numbers, disallow and positive infinities(Krantz, 2004). Within these circumstances, the functional values are assumed to be differentiable. The rule simply applies to situation presenting finite or infinite derivatives.The rule should be used in finding limits in cases presenting a single application. When twain applications are utilised the limit values calculation provides the original value. Where more than two applications exist, an answer can never be gottenThe series works through providing approximations which are infinitely differentiable. The approxi mation method utilises partial sums in providing estimations to an entire unknown function of a series. It utilises the first terms of a Taylor series to solve problems regarding some restricted domains in advanced stages of a series.Integration can be defined as a mathematical concept utilised in calculus and is an inverse to differentiation. Integration consists of the area which is normally bounded by a graph and the subsequent axis. An example of an integral value calculated through integration would be amount of water in an ir steadyly shaped swimming pool. Knowing the various dimensions of the swimming pool, the water becomes surrounded by the walls, hence becoming the integral.Integration solves problems relating to area of irregularly shaped forms. It solves these problems through utilisation of regular shapes like squares, and then effectively converting the irregular shape to a regular shape.c) Give an example of were optimization might be used in the

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Procter nd Gmble nd 'Orgnistion 2005' Case Study

Procter nd Gmble nd Orgnistion 2005 - Case Study ExampleHlf the brnds were mrked with potentil the growth while the rest were frozen. In retil business more nd more occupied by privtely owned lbel goods, P&Gs top products were hving difficulty competing. More gile competitors were left P&G behind the mrket by lunching products, executing mrketing plns better nd finlly by fster product innovtion. It ws lso thought tht P&Gs profitbility ws being slowed down due to incresing dominnce of retilers like Wl-Mrt, who controlled the point-of-sle.In n ttempt to reinforce the growth, P&G nnounced corporte restructuring progrm, clled Orgniztion 2005, in September 1998. The objective of the progrm ws to improve P&Gs competitive position nd generte operting competences through more mbitious gols, enhncing greter innovtions nd diminishing time-to-mrket. This ws to be reched by considerble redesign of compnys orgniztionl structure, work processes, culture nd py structures.Orgniztion 2005 design s it ws lredy mentioned, Orgniztion 2005 is the ltest inititive by Procter & Gmble (P&G) worldwide nd the one tht defined the next phse of orgniztionl development nd growth. ... 2) Plcing Compnys Globl origin work to stndrdize systems, ignore internl opertions nd better serve customers worldwide3) Simplifying Compnys orgniztionl structure to reduce hierrchy nd hurry up decision mking. From the words of P&G Chief executive director Durk I. Jger, the compny ws ment to redesign orgniztionl structure completely, struggle for constnt innovtions through work process, substntil finncil benefits, fster speed of mrket nd greter growth.Under Orgniztion 2005, P&G is chnging from four business units bsed on territoril regions to seven Globl Business Units (GBU) bsed on product lines. This chnge is designed to drive greter innovtion nd speed by emphsizing strtegy nd profit responsibility globlly on mrkets, rther thn territories. P&G lso estblished eight Mrket schooling Orgniztions (MDO), the regions whose objective ws to tilor globl mrketing progrms to locl mrkets nd develop mrket strtegies to build compnys entire business on superior consumer nd customer knowledge. Within Orgniztion 2005, P&G lso lunched Globl Business Services (GBS). Its overhed functions such s humn resources, ccounting, order mngement, nd informtion technology were consolidted from seprte geogrphic regions to one corporte orgniztion tht would serve ll GBUs. Finlly, P&G redefined the role of Corporte Functions. Most of the corporte stff were trnsferred to one of the new business units, with the remining stff refocused on developing cutting-edge new knowledge nd serving corporte needs. Costs of the Progrm Orgniztion 2005 involved substntil costs. Of the pproximtely $1.9 billion in costs, $400 million were plnned for 1999, $1 billion over the next two fiscl yers,

Monday, June 17, 2019

Marketing case study ( Fox's Biscuites) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Marketing case study ( Foxs Biscuites) - Essay ExampleFoxs Biscuits was founded by Michael Spedding during the year 1853 by opening up a smallish shop for confectionary items in Batley. Apart from a factory in Batley, the organisation also has two factories find out within the UK. One is in Staffordshire and the other is situated near Blackpool. The distribution centre of the organisation is located in Uttoxeter (Staffordshire Newspapers Ltd, 2011). The long-term goal of Foxs Biscuits is to evolve as the most pioneering, indulgent and cagy cookies. The most famous products of Foxs Biscuits are Echo, Rocky, Classic and Creations. Foxs Biscuits is better known as the synonym for quality because the company employs the outgo inputs for manufacturing the biscuits and feeding its customers with quality food items. Not only the company procures the best raw materials and processes them through the best machines but also it utilises the skills and expertise of quality force out (Foxs, 2011).The aim of this paper is to design marketing plan for making the Foxs Biscuits more popular in the UK market. The plan will be knowing through analysing the macro and micro environment affecting business operations of Foxs Biscuits and also by critically analysing the current market position of the company. 2. Analysis through Significant Macro and Micro Environmental Factors The biscuit industry in the UK has kept on growing since the last five eld depicting a rate of market increase up to a level of 22 percent. The industry has been forecasted to expand further in the future years with a growth of 15 percent according to Mintels market research (Mintel Oxygen Reports, 2011). High prospect of growth in overall biscuit industry in the UK also suggests high level of competition to prevail among the market players within this industry. In this competitive market, it is essential for the companies including Foxs Biscuits to hold comprehensive track about the industry scenari o so as to react instantaneously to the demands of the market with competitive products. Thus, for gathering comprehensive knowledge about the collapse market scenario and for evaluating the companys potentiality to make itself compatible with the market, blighter and SWOT analysis will be performed in this segment. 2.1 Macro Environment Analysis- PEST Analysis Political Factors The government of the UK has depicted concerned behaviour over the health of its nations people in relation to obesity. The growth in the UK biscuit industry is as a result of the less conscious nature of the people in matters related to consumption of snacks inclusive of biscuits items. For countering to this, the UK government had blush introduced stricter norms in relation to marketing practices of the snacks manufacturing companies. The move was aimed towards initiating the snacks manufacturing companies towards production of healthier food items. Thus, with regard to these facts about the political f actors surrounding the biscuit industry in the UK, it is ask by Foxs Biscuits that it concentrates heavily upon the manufacturing of more healthy biscuits along with maintenance of expected crunchy and appetizing tastes. This way, the company can not only puzzle to the political issues guiding biscuit manufacturing process but also

Sunday, June 16, 2019

SCM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SCM - Essay ExampleThere are various ship way of life by which optimization of logistical networks can be achieved. SCM is therefore composed of several philosophies on how best to achieve its objectives of a fully-integrated chain of activities encompassing the suit of raw materials, the inherent processing of these materials into finished goods inventory and shipping out these products into the market in the fastest and most efficient manner to achieve strategic marketing aims. This paper tackles the two types of systems comm lonesome(prenominal) used today the JIT and the MRP. Discussion The strategic concept of supply chain management lies in the realization that no single business entity is an island and cannot function optimally if it works entirely alone. The SCM idea is anchored on the dictum that a company providing products or services is nothing scarce a chain of continually evolving capabilities in a globalized marketplace (Jespersen and Skjott-Larsen, 200550) it co mbines its capabilities with the capabilities of other firms it deals with. Any discussion of supply chain management involves the subject of logistics. ... Logistics is a way to achieve superior customer service through a skillful method of inventory management attained through having the proper(ip) materials at the right time in the right quantities at a lowest possible cost at the right place. This obsession to have everything right is contained in the JIT or just-in-time management originally developed by Toyota Motors Corporation of Japan. The just-in-time philosophy - of inventory management is anchored on the simple but very profound idea that inventory supplies should not be delivered yet until when required. It therefore presupposes an efficient supply chain that delivers the needed materials just in time when these are needed at the precise moment during the production process to avoid a costly stock-out that disrupts entire production and raises costs or press downs pr ofits. A guiding principle behind this evidently simple idea is to let demand determine the supply. This simply means a part or material needed will be delivered only at the precise moment it is needed, not a second earlier or a second later. Benefits of using JIT include smaller storage areas, lower operating capital needed for inventories and minimize need for big buffer stocks (Hensher, 200190). Another philosophy underpinning the JIT system is the pull concept of operating costs wherever along the chain. Besides determining the supply through the pull of the demand for a particular inventory item necessary for input in the near production process, JIT places a big emphasis on suppliers to the market a product that is affordable their profits depend to large extent on internal operational efficiencies that allows profits at a price set by the customer.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Japanese and Chinese economic models Research Paper - 1

The Japanese and Chinese frugal models - Research Paper ExampleThe economic models perform both basic functions, which include selection of information on the basis of econometric study and simplification of the gathered information. Economic models can be classified as stochastic models, non-stochastic models, qualitative models, quantitative models, equilibrium, and non-equilibrium models. If we talk closely some of the benefits of having the economic models, we can translate that economic models are widely used for a variety of purposes in the economic environment of every country. about of main uses of economic models include guiding resource allocation decisions, forecasting the economic activities, planning the functions of economy, and making appropriate decisions related to the economy. All of these uses make economic model one of the most important models for the development of any country. Let us now discuss planning functions of the economic models of China and Japan, which are two of the most progressive and well-established economies of the world. Chinese economy has seen significant success and development over the last decade. The communist government of the People Republic of China has been productive in developing a strong Chinese economy, which has started developing its roots in most of the Asian, European, and American markets. Although the politics of China remains communist, the economics readiness be called Advanced Mercantilist (SNS 2010). Chinese economists have analyzed the perfects ways to deal with the west by considering the cases of South Korea and Japan and have come up with a well-designed economic modal, which has the ability to make the Chinese economy one of the most stable economies of the future world. If we talk about the Japanese model of economy, we can say that Japanese economic model has proved to be a very useful tool not only for the analysis of the current economic topographic point of Japan.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sales promotion portfolio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

gross gross revenue promotion portfolio - Research Paper ExampleCurrently there are around 700 restaurants of pizza Hut in UK with more than than 154 stores of Pizza Hut owned by the franchisees (PizzaHut, 2011). The sales promotion helps the organization to change the perception of the customers towards their buying decision by offering them different incentives, which they are able to get eventually. This is the reason why Pizza Hut uses different sales promotion techniques because the company understands the significance of sampling and making a harvest trial during the marketing campaigns. The sales promotion strategies help Pizza Hut to increase its market share because these promotions entice the customers to switch their brand loyalty towards Pizza Hut. Another advantage that Pizza Hut gets with these promotional tools is the immediate result, which other IMC tools are not able to produce for the company (Pride et al., 2006). Sales forward motion Sales promotion can be de fined as the activities which are planned by the organizations in order to improve the quality of the products or services and crap a positive attitude of the customers towards their products or services (Bose, 2004). ... Since sales promotion influence the behavior of the customers, therefore Pizza Hut can analyze this possibility in order to understand and change the behavior of the customers towards the deals and offers it is offering to the customers (Bose, 2004). Tools of Sales Promotion In order to understand the dynamics of sales promotional tools, it is primal for the organizations to understand that these tools are different from other marketing and promotional methods, because these tools provide precise advantages for encouraging the customers to buy the product or services (Sagar, 1998). As compared to the sales promotions tools, other promotional techniques are used to attract the customers with help of an event or a program and they are not always designed for the i mmediately purchase. Some of the most commonly used sales promotion tools are Discounts and Coupons Free Samples Direct Mail Rebates Demonstrations Exhibits Point of Purchase Display Money posterior Offers Mystery Rewards Branded Magnets and Pen Contests Gifts (Sagar, 1998) Promotional Strategies Used by Pizza Hut UK Pizza Hut uses different promotional tools for the increase share in the market, increase frequent buying, increase volume of sales and convince the customers for buying the product. The promotional mix of Pizza Hut consists of Personal Selling, Advertising and Sales Promotion. Since Pizza Hut uses Pull Strategy to fulfill its global objective, therefore many promotional tools are needed to implement this strategy successfully. The Healthy eat campaign is used to increase the awareness level of the customers, change their attitude towards pizza, motivate them to get involved in the product, and reduce risk for the product.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Lighthouse international website review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

beacon fire international website review - Article ExampleLighthouse International is a website for a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information and services on various types of visual sense related problems. It was founded in New York in 1905 and was one of the first institutions of its time that offered vision rehabilitation services. Throughout the century, it increased its locomotes and extended its services globally. It began with a goal to prevent blindness and evolved into a mission to assist those with a vision issues to function normally in mainstream society. Its facilities cover research, offer rehab services, and educate both those with vision impairments and professionals. Lighthouse International also is a leading advocate for vision health care on both the state and federal level.Information on the website is very easy to find as the site is exploiter-friendly and well organized. The layout of the Home Page is clear and welcoming yet it gives a sum mary direction to various services offered on the entire site. Get the Facts, Get Help Today, Whats New. This promoter that a person just arriving on the page does non have to search long to find what liaisons him or her. The tabs at the top with self instructive titles also easily direct a user to their destination - Home, About, Vision Health, Vision Services, Our Schools, Research, and Donate. The Search field on the side of meatbar also helps a user find their topic of interest. Since this is a site about vision it makes sense that there will be a function that adjusts the size of the print for the ease of the transformer. The Help Near You widget calculatees users that arrive at the site from around the world. After filling in the appropriate values, the site will give the address and contact information in the country indicated. These first three widgets remain the same on each (Last Name) 2page that is viewed whereas, the information that follows varies according the essence of the page. It is to be noted that most of the tabbed pages are introductions themselves to further information. For example, the tab Vision Health, lists all the services available to all groups. Each service is a link that takes the reader to another page with the specific information requested. At the end of each page, is an email address that allows the reader to request even to a greater extent information for their particular need. This design is very appealing as it keeps each page fairly short and manageable.For a website on vision, it is interesting there is not much distort on many of the pages. The body of the text is a light color background with black font and deep blue links. The side bar is the inverse, with a deep blue background, and white font. This website itself provides the explanation for this lack of color via one of their links (Home Accessibility Effective Color Contrast). Contrasts are easier to read than colors of a similar hue. In other words , the website, although not visually stimulating, is designed for the reading ease for the majority of its readers. It is still neat and attractive with punches of color in either the photographs or the logos. The photographs themselves add interest and are appropriately related to the page content.The Lighthouse International website is specifically designed to cater to those with an interest in vision related matters. It is useful for those with problems looking for answers or assistance. This audience would be the general public, no matter what profession or age. It also offers a portal for those who want to donate and assist in the advancement of vision related research. One tab is dedicated to donations and events that raise funds for the continuation of Lighthouse Internationals work. The catchy heading Be a Visionary PhilanthropistDonate Now, is a clever play on words the funds will not completely be for the advancement of research in the field of vision but to support the f oresight and imagination of the two sisters who founded the company. In order to attract

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Digital Marketing Bagel Nash report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Digital Marketing beigel Nash report - Essay ExampleTheir bakery range provides bagel exclude and bagel to both food service as well as retail customers (Bagelnash, n.d.). Bagel Nash is the highest search term on Google.There is limited digital presence as the digital communication is done through the company website only and it does not invest a lot of money or fourth dimension in digital marketing. However, it has its existence on Facebook , Instagram as well as on twitter but does not have its own app. A sleep together analysis on the digital presence and strategy of this company will be discussed later in this report.The main purpose of this report is to provide a marketing strategy to achieve the planned digital objectives to benefit Bagel Nash in the field of improving their existing digital presence. A comprehensive little as well as macro analysis is conducted. The report also encompasses implementation plan to give details of the activities and when those activities are to be executed.The key findings of field of study analysis are Focus is on the internal and external factors which have affected the Bagel Nash they should also pay attention on the human resources for undefeated packaging and service a test was conducted in order to witness the experience of customers when they are trying to collect the information from the Bagel Nash website total tally of visits made on each device and on every mobile gadget within the last month has been shown. It indicates that desktop version has received the uttermost number of new users as compared to the mobile and tablets. Moreover, it was also found that maximum number of new users is generated from Apple iPhone to view the Bagel Nash website. The facebook page report shows that the organise customers are mostly youngsters but it was also noticed that the people of middle age group are also enjoying the fast food offered by Bagel Nash.The main aim of competitor scrutiny is to present a complete

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Compare and Contrast diary of Mary Berg and Adam Czerniakow Research Paper

Compare and Contrast diary of Mary Berg and Adam Czerniakow - Research Paper ExampleThe Holocaust was a horrific installment of catastrophes that orchestrated the deaths of one million million millions of people. One of the prevalently targeted groups during the Holocaust was the Jews. The unfortunate turn of events started in1933 amid the rise of the Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. The strategy for the systematic extermination of European Jewry was implemented and almost effectively carried forbidden through strategies such as Ghettoization. Ghettos were highly dense quarters characterized by poor living conditions as exemplified by overcrowding, hunger and deplorable sanitation.Most of the areas designated as ghettos were rundown neighborhoods. The rationale of the ghetto was to gather the Jews and isolate them. The invading Germany wanted to manage the cornered Jewish population by compelling them to live in separate parts of towns or cities, otherwise referred to as Ghettos. During their occupation of Eastern Europe, Germans created at least 1,000 ghettos within the occupied territories. The Ghettos were characterized by disease, starvation, and death. The largest of the ghettos was Warsaw, where close to half a million Jews lived.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Contract law - Essay Example20,000 to be paid in instalments related to the work completed. The plaintiff got into financial difficulties because the price was too low and he did non supervise the work properly. He had received over 80 per cent of the price plainly still had far more than 20 per cent of the work to do. The defendants were liable to a penalty clause in the main contract if the work was not completed on time. They were aware of the plaintiffs difficulties and that the price was too low. They met him and agreed to pay him an extra ?10,300 at ?575 per flat to ensure that he journey with the work and completed on time. The plaintiff completed eight further flats and received a payment of ?1,500. He stopped work and sued for the money he alleged to be owing. The defendants denied liability and, in particular, that they were liable to pay any(prenominal) part of the additional ?10,300 because their agreement to pay it was not supported by any consideration. The evalua tor held that the plaintiff was entitled to eight payments of ?575, less certain deductions. The defendants appealed. My understanding of the meaning of the requirement that consideration moldiness move from the send fore is that such consideration must be provided by the promise, or arise out of his contractual relationship with the promisor. It is consideration provided by somebody else, not a party to the contract, which does not move from the promiseebut it is, of course, not the situation in the present case. Here the benefits to the defendants arose out of their agreement of April 9, 1986 with the plaintiff, the promise.(Glidewell L.J in Williams v Roffey Bros.1990) The judge(Glidewell L.J) further concluded that I repeat, therefore, my opinion that the judge was, as a matter of law, entitled to hold that there was valid consideration to support the agreement under which the defendants promised to pay an additional ?10,300 at the identify of ?575 per flat. For these reasons I would dismiss this appeal In sufficeing the question as to whether promissory estoppel could have been of raised or whether it could have added relevance to Williams v Roffey Brothers, the answer is no, because of the limitations on the doctrine of promissory estoppel. It may be of paramount importance to find the relationship between consideration and promissory estoppel. Consideration originated simply as an indication of the need for a reason for enforcing a promise or obligation, such as the fact that the promisee had given something to the promisor in expectation that the promise would be fulfilled(Atayah, 1986). The rigid set of rules requires that there must be benefit and detriment, that past consideration is no consideration that consideration must be of stinting value and that gratuitous promises will not generally be enforced. The doctrine of promissory estoppel on the other hand, derives from Lord Dennings decision in interchange London Property Trust Ltd v High Tree s Ltd1947 KB 130. The doctrine gives rise to situations in which a contract can in effect be varied without there being consideration. The facts are that by a lease under seal made on September 24, 1937, the plaintiffs, Central London attribute Trusts Ltd, granted to the defendants High Trees House Ltd, a subsidiary of the plaintiff company, a tenancy of a block of flats for the term of 99 years from September 29, 1937, at a ground rent of ?2, 500 a year.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Employee Relations Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employee Relations Master - Case Study ExampleSimilarly the conflicts as hearty as the disagreements in the familiarity could be resolved and structured in a way that any industrial actions or any other forms of disaffections atomic number 18 avoided. The company should also provide a framework which is normative for dealing and the identification of the problematic areas in the company. (Alderman 1992)In this scenario Tim Fraser an employee at the Brinley Financial Services has been a product sales assistant for two years. His main job has been selling the companys products and recording the sales details on a database. He has periodically been tour websites that are unrelated to his job during his fit periods but recently he has however been doing so regularly during the working day. According to him he is only killing time since the other employees do it too. The company has however stopped this activity by issuing a new guideline which states that Henceforth staff essenti al not use Company equipment for non-work activity.Failure to comply with this policy may expose the employee to disciplinal action and possibly dismissal. One day Tims supervisory program Maxine Tims supervisor saw that he was on another visit and he therefore decided to suspend him asking him to leave the building pending notice of the disciplinary hearing. On the other hand Tims colleagues are precise angry and they decide to refuse to work until Tim is reinstated. However the company has issued the workers with an official notice to immediately amends to their duties and failure to do so could result to their dismissal because of their unlawful action.Strategies that was available to Maxine Salter and the BFS to avoid such a dispute.In the scenario above there are some strategies and styles as well as some disciplinary procedures that the company would have adapted so as to avoid such a dispute. (Ashdown 1993)managerial stylesThe company should adapt to managerial styles tha t are flexible and avoid the arbitrary and the punitive discipline models which are associated with a very hard oversight styles. The companys management should adapt a reconstructed model which is corrective and which is also associated with the soft management. In such a model there are very hardly a(prenominal) dismissible offences and also the stages that are involved in the procedures gives a lot of opportunity for an employee to reform even though the process due is imperative. By the company adapting such a model it will be seen as very respectable and also fair in all its dealings especially when it comes to disciplinary action on the employees. If this management is appropriately used Maxine Salter who is the supervisor would have given Tim who had been periodically visiting websites that are unrelated to his job during his break periods an opportunity to attend an assistance program in opposition to taking any other form of action such as suspending him in an un-procedur al manner. except if the assistance program fails then he should dismiss him if need be and such actions would be perceived to be very legitimate by the international agencies as well as the workforce. This is because the company has taken the initiative to correct the behaviour but no positive results were attained. Disciplinary procedures and rules relating to industrial conflictIt is very important the Maxine and the BFS Company to know that any disciplinary proc